Janna Robinson is a lifestyle technology consultant to the STARS, She explains how to choose the gadgets to add glamor to your life.
According to IBM Coremetrics, Cyber Monday sales were up 33% over 2010, a huge increase even from previous years. It’s also estimated that Cyber Monday 2011 sales were a record $1.25 billion dollars, and this year is projected to be another record setting year. That’s why Janna "THE CHIC GEEK" Robinson believes consumers need to know what they’re doing and to think before they click. Get geared up for the busiest internet shopping day in history.
Robinson is best known as a celebrity Lifestyle Technology Consultant and as the host of the new DIY Network Show HOLLYWOOD HI-TECH, where she provides the ultimate technology makeover for stars like Academy Award Winning Director Oliver Stone and Entertainment Tonight’s Nancy Odell. On Nov 26th, Janna will also explain “Techorating,” the art of using technology to decorate, while sharing some timely advice on the hot new online gadgets that that make technology and electronics approachable, fashionable and fun. Janna has appeared as a tech expert on on numerous networks shows, including The Today Show, EXTRA, ESPN, Jimmy Kimmel and The Wendy Williams Show.
One suggestion is to make sure you use the right credit card that gives you cash back. Chase Freedom is a good example. From now through December 31, Chase Freedom is offering 5 percent cash back on up to $1,500 in purchases at Best Buy and Kohl’s and on purchases made directly with airlines and hotels on rooms. Just remember to activate your card by December 15. Wouldn’t you rather have some extra cash back for the fun things in life on everyday purchases? That is always a smart deal.
For More Information Visit: Chase.com/freedom
Cyber Monday can be hard on the wallet but according to The Vision Council, marathon e-shopping is also hard on the eyes. Too much cyber shopping creates eye strain, and aches and pains in the neck, head and back. The Vision Council says to protect your eyes, and consider some of the new computer glasses, that come in both prescription and non-prescription. For every 20 minutes, take a 20 second break, in addition, adjust your workspace so your face is an arm’s length away and the monitor is at eye level.
Affordable usually means accessories, and the hot new item this year are the amazing tablets, and the 3-M Screen Protectors. They’re the must-have accessory to keep their devices looking like new long after the holidays. The custom screen protectors come in a variety of styles – privacy, anti-glare and fingerprint fading. 3-M also has a neat “Give One, Get One” Holiday Sweepstakes where you have a chance to win 2 Apple $500 gift cards, one for you, and one for a friend, by signing up at the 3M Screen Protectors Facebook Page.
For More Information Visit: 3MScreenProtectors.com
Winter holidays are prime time for reunions and travel, so Wyndham Vacation Rentals has a Cyber Monday deal with up to 50% off through Nov 28 at properties in Florida, the Charleston Islands in South Carolina, and Colorado. Just go to www.CyberMondayVacation.com and use promo code CYBER, prices start as low as $69 a night. This special offer ends Wednesday, Nov 28 at 10 AM US ET. Wyndham Vacation Rentals is the largest provider of professionally managed vacation rentals, providing families and friends the choice to celebrate in beautifully appointed town homes, villas, and resort condominiums in ski, beach, and mountain destinations, and has exc. Look online at places like Wyndham for a stress free, quality vacation deal at www.WyndhamVacationRentals.com
For More Information on this Cyber Monday Deal (good until Nov. 28th): www.CyberMondayVacation.com Type in Promo Code: CYBER
For More Information on Wyndham Vacation Rentals visit: www.WyndhamVacationRentals.com